Learjet ICU
Safely transporting patients since 1987

A medical air ambulance transport is needed when a patient cannot be moved by car, ground ambulance, or commercial aircraft due to distance or medical condition. Medway Air Ambulance is a top provider of fixed wing air ambulance transport servicing North, Central, and South America, the Caribbean, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia. Medway has a fleet of Learjets that are equipped as mobile medical ICUs. Experienced medical personnel must keep the patient stable during transport. unlike most ground ambulances, Medway flights carry the staff and equipment necessary to transport critically ill patients from one facility to another. Medway flight coordinators handle all the details of transport including arranging ground ambulance between airports and the sending and receiving facilities.
Special Equipment
Medway’s jets have state-of-the-art medical equipment to allow us to provide advanced medical care. On board equipment includes:
• Zoll X series monitors
• Hamilton T 1 ventilatorsIVAC Mini Med III (multi IV capability)
• ALS Flight Kits & Respiratory Kits
• Pediatric ALS Equipment
• ACLS Drugs and Solutions
Experienced Personnel
Medway flight teams consist of highly trained healthcare professionals. Each team is tailored to meet the medical needs of the patient being transported. Team members may include doctors, nurses, respiratory therapists, and paramedics. Medway Air Ambulance has earned an ARGUS Gold rating and is accredited by EURAMI as a long range/ intercontinental fixed wing medical air ambulance carrier.
Safety and Reliability
Medway owns and operates it own fleet of aircraft, enabling more rapid transport capabilities than many competitors. In-house maintenance teams ensure that Medway jets are always ready to fly. Flights are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Safety and reliability is a top priority. In 30 years of operation, Medway has never had an accident or malpractice claim. Medway has extensive experience with all major insurance companies.